Domain Registration
Register your name, idea or brand and get online!
The perfect domain lets people know at a glance why you're online (and why you're awesome).
A domain name is what people type into a browser to find a website. Every website which is connected to the Internet has an assigned IP address that you can use to see or visit it. This IP address is a long string of numbers and letters that would be very difficult for people to memorize, so a domain name is simply a human-friendly version of that IP address.
When you type a domain name - like or - into your browser, the domain name system, or DNS, takes this domain and translates it into its IP address, allowing the associated website to be found.
Having your own domain name can help you appear more legitimate to people who search for you or your business online.
Multiple Extensions Available
Choose from a wide range of domain extensions like .com, .in, and many more...